Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Little Poem

By falling more in love with Him
I fell out of like with you.
Because He is a good God
And that's exactly what I needed

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


"Contentment is a strife, damsels often face." That's the first line of a poem I scribbled down a year ago, when I was feeling a little overwhelmed with that same emotion which plagues me still. For the most part, I consider myself to be a level-headed, rational girl; and my friends would agree. But I'm human and more than that, I'm a teenage girl. No matter how much I wish to exclude myself from the stereotypes, sometimes, my fleshly heart craves the common despondency. I'm sure you've heard them before, and more than likely you have uttered them yourself.

If only he would notice me! 

If I just knew that somebody liked me, than I would feel secure.

Good grief, the next friend who tells me she has a boyfriend is going to get a frying pan to the face!

Admittedly, you may not have said that last phrase word for word, but I'm sure you can relate to the feeling. Have you ever felt like alllllll your friends had a boyfriend/person of interest while you're just sitting there working yourself into a complete basket case? You start asking ridiculous questions like, "Am I ugly? Am I fat? Oh dear, is it my personality?"

A few days ago, I found myself ruminating over these stupid questions (which by the way, are NOT from the Lord) trying to pin point what was wrong with me. The inner dialogue went something like this, "Well some guys have said that I'm pretty, and lots of them say that I'm funny, so WHY THE HECK DON'T THEY LIKE ME?" It was at right about that moment when God graciously whispered into my ear, Do you think entering a relationship with that kind of instability would be wise or healthy?

(Side note: DON'T BE THIS GIRL. See how she's
lying there all dramatic and pathetic? Yeah, that's
probably one of the main reasons why she's "alone".)


It hit me like a ton of bricks. One of the numerous reasons God has not delivered Prince Charming yet is because I'm not ready for him. We all that know that materialistic 13 year-old who has already had a boyfriend. And what has she gotten from it? Heartbreak. Why? She's just wasn't ready, and chances are, neither are you. If they guy of my dreams asked me out today, I know that I would be so enamored that I would forget God in the midst of it. But that isn't how He designed relationships to be.

Consider Adam and Eve. They dwelled in Eden together, under the guidance of one Ruler. Things started to go wrong however, when they listened to each other, instead of listening to God. Even though I feel years wiser than I did days ago before receiving this revelation, I know I am probably not ready for a guy yet. My heart needs to be 100% aligned with the Lord. When this is true, I will better be able to sense His timing, and walk in His perfect plan. Don't you think that the maker of time knows better than you do what you need and when you need it? It's a humbling as well as life changing thought.

The next time you feel like letting your mind run wild while your heart deviates from God's open arms, shake those thoughts out of your head and exchange despair over lack of relationship, for the one that lasts forever. We are Daughters of the Father, and we must love Him first before loving anyone else.

1 Timothy 6: 6-7 "But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of it either." 

Song of the Week - "The One I Crave" by Christina Grimmie